8 Best Online Payment Processing Services for E-commerce

May 28, 2024 |
7 min read

Choosing the right payment processing service is crucial for any e-commerce business. It's not just about facilitating transactions; it's about ensuring security, managing costs, and providing a smooth customer experience.

In this article, we’ll break down eight of the best online payment processing services available today, highlighting their features, benefits, and potential drawbacks.

What to Look for in an Online Payment Processing Service

When selecting a payment processor, consider the following key factors:

- Security - A top priority is the security of your transactions. Look for services that offer robust encryption, fraud detection, and PCI compliance.

- Fees - Understand the fee structure, including transaction fees, monthly fees, and any hidden costs. This helps in calculating the real impact on your profits

- Integration - Your payment processor should easily integrate with your e-commerce platform. Compatibility with your existing systems can save time and reduce technical headaches.

- Customer Support - Reliable customer support is essential. Issues can arise anytime, and having prompt, effective support can prevent small problems from becoming big ones.

Now let’s have a look at 8 best online payment gateways in 2024:

1. PayPal

PayPal is one of the most recognized and widely used online payment systems globally. It offers various services tailored to both individual users and businesses.



  • Supports multiple currencies
  • Comprehensive buyer and seller protection
  • Easy integration with most e-commerce platforms


  • Trusted by consumers
  • Easy to set up and use
  • Robust security features


  • Higher transaction fees compared to some competitors
  • Can hold funds for extended periods in case of disputes

2. Stripe

Stripe is designed for developers and tech-savvy business owners, offering powerful tools for custom payment solutions.



  • Supports a wide range of payment methods
  • Advanced APIs for custom integrations
  • Real-time reporting and analytics

Pros: Highly customizable Transparent pricing Strong global reach

Cons: Can be complex for non-developers Limited customer support options

3. Square

Square is known for its point-of-sale (POS) systems, but it also offers robust online payment processing for e-commerce businesses.



  • Integrated POS and online payment solutions
  • Free online store builder
  • Easy-to-use dashboard


  • Simple pricing structure
  • Excellent for small to medium businesses
  • Strong customer support


  • Limited to a few countries
  • Higher fees for some card types

4. Authorize.Net

Authorize.Net is a veteran in the payment processing industry, offering reliable services for online and offline transactions.



  • Comprehensive fraud detection
  • Recurring billing options
  • Extensive support and resources


  • Trusted and reliable
  • Excellent fraud prevention tools
  • Broad compatibility with other services


  • Higher setup and monthly fees
  • Interface can feel outdated

5. Shopify Payments

Shopify Payments is an in-house payment solution for Shopify store owners, simplifying the process by keeping everything under one roof.



  • No transaction fees for Shopify users
  • Integrated with Shopify’s platform
  • Supports major payment methods


  • Seamless integration with Shopify
  • Simplified fee structure
  • Strong customer support


  • Only available to Shopify users
  • Limited features compared to standalone processors

6. Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay leverages the trusted Amazon brand to provide a seamless checkout experience for customers.



  • Familiar checkout process for Amazon users
  • Fraud protection and payment guarantee
  • Easy integration with various platforms


  • Trusted by consumers
  • Quick setup
  • Robust security features


  • Higher fees compared to some other services
  • Limited customization options

7. Adyen

Adyen is a global payment company known for its wide-reaching capabilities and support for numerous payment methods.



  • Supports over 250 payment methods
  • Advanced risk management
  • Unified commerce solution


  • Excellent global reach
  • Comprehensive fraud prevention
  • Strong analytics tools


  • Complex pricing structure
  • Better suited for larger businesses

8. 2Checkout (now Verifone)

2Checkout, now part of Verifone, offers a versatile payment processing solution catering to businesses of all sizes.



  • Supports multiple payment methods and currencies
  • Flexible pricing plans
  • Comprehensive subscription management


  • Wide range of supported payment methods
  • Good global reach
  • Strong subscription management tools


  • Can be expensive for small businesses
  • Limited customer support options

Comparing the Best Payment Processing Services

Key Differences

Each payment processor has unique strengths and weaknesses. PayPal and Amazon Pay are trusted by consumers but can be expensive. Stripe and Adyen offer extensive customization and global reach but may require more technical know-how. Square and Shopify Payments provide user-friendly solutions for small to medium businesses.

Suitability for Different Business Sizes

For small businesses, Square and Shopify Payments offer simplicity and affordability. Mid-sized businesses might prefer PayPal or Stripe for their balance of features and ease of use. Large enterprises could benefit from the extensive capabilities of Adyen or Authorize.Net.

Security and Compliance

Importance of PCI Compliance

PCI compliance ensures that payment processors adhere to security standards to protect cardholder data. All the services listed comply with PCI standards, providing a baseline of security.

How These Services Handle Security

Most services offer encryption, fraud detection, and secure tokenization. PayPal and Amazon Pay provide additional layers of buyer and seller protection, which can be particularly reassuring for new e-commerce businesses.

The Role of Fees in Choosing a Service

Different Fee Structures

Payment processors have various fee structures, including flat-rate, interchange-plus, and tiered pricing. Understanding these can help you choose the most cost-effective option for your business.

How to Calculate the Real Cost

Consider transaction fees, monthly fees, setup fees, and any additional costs for features like fraud detection. Calculate the total expected volume of transactions to determine the overall cost impact.

Integration with E-commerce Platforms

Most payment processors integrate with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. Stripe and PayPal are particularly noted for their wide compatibility.

Ease of Setup and Use

Square and Shopify Payments are user-friendly and easy to set up. Stripe offers advanced customization but might require developer assistance. PayPal and Amazon Pay are straightforward for consumers, offering familiar checkout experiences.

Customer Support and Service Reliability

Importance of Reliable Customer Support

Reliable support ensures that any issues are promptly resolved, minimizing downtime and lost sales. Look for services with 24/7 support and multiple contact options.

Which Services Offer the Best Support

Square, Shopify Payments, and Authorize.Net are known for their strong customer support. Stripe and PayPal offer extensive online resources but may lack direct support channels.

Set up your e-commerce store for successful payments

Choosing the right payment processing service for your e-commerce business depends on your specific needs. Consider factors like security, fees, integration, and customer support. For small businesses, Square and Shopify Payments are excellent choices. Mid-sized businesses might find PayPal or Stripe more suitable, while large enterprises could benefit from Adyen or Authorize.Net.

To simplify the integration of any payment processors into your website, consider using Formester. With Formester, you can seamlessly integrate multiple payment solutions, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction experience for your customers.

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