How to integrate Google SMTP with Formester
How to use Google SMTP Server
Step 1: Visit and login to your Google Account
Step 2: Click on the security option and scroll down to open the App password
Step 3: Create an app for your SMTP by selecting Other from the dropdown options
Step 4: Enter a name for your app and click on generate to generate a 16-digit app password
Step 5: You will get a 16-digit auto-generated password, keep it safe as you won’t be able to see it again
Step 6: Final step, check your integration credentials with Formester to verify if it’s working or not,
Login to your account -> select a form -> Click on SMTP Integration from the top -> Click on Add Account
Fill in the required fiels as mentioned below:
* Name – Can be anything of your choice
* SMTP server -
* Port - 587 ( Some users may have different ports do checkout other ports as well 25/465/587/2525)
* Username - Your Gmail Id
* Password - 16-digit app password
* From email – Your Gmail Id
Add your credentials and click on three dots at the end of the mail account and select the Test option. Wait for a few seconds for the result.