5 Things You Can Do With Survey Forms

December 8, 2022 |
5 min read

Surveys can be extremely beneficial and informative to users for various purposes. They are also the most cost-effective way of collecting, processing, and analyzing data. There are so many things you can do with survey forms! The first thing is to make sure they're easy to read and understand. You want people to be able to enter the information without making mistakes or taking too long to complete it.

Before anything else you should make sure your survey is interactive; this means using questions that will get users talking about themselves or their experiences so that you'll have more information than would normally be available from a form alone. The third thing is making sure that your survey looks professional because people won't give you their time if they don't feel like they can trust what they're seeing or hearing.

Hero image showing five things you can do with survey forms

Survey forms are an easy way to reach out to a large number of the population, extracting data that would otherwise be tough to administer and crack if collected individually. Surveys are a great way to get feedback from your customers, but they're also one of the most under-utilised tools in your marketing arsenal. If you want to learn more about what makes people happy with your products and services, you must know how to use surveys effectively. In this article, we'll show you five ways that you can use survey forms to gather valuable customer feedback.

5 most important things to do with survey forms

Let's take a quick look at the five most important things to do with survey forms;

1. Implement customer opinion 

If you have a survey form, it’s always good to remind customers that their responses are valuable to your company. You can do this in multiple ways: mentioning the fact that you value input from your customers on surveys; thanking respondents for completing the survey; or even giving them a prize, if appropriate. The most effective way is probably via email, but it's important not just to say thank you once but also every time someone completes an online form.

2. Get their contact info 

the best use of a survey is to get the personal details of your customers and establish a healthy relationship with them. For instance, offer them birthday and anniversary discounts or vouchers and connect with them via messaging or email. This information also comes in handy to assess the age group of your clientele.

3. Learn about their experience with your products and services 

You can also use surveys to find out what your customers think about your newest prototype. 

  1.  First, ask them if they would be interested in trying it out. If so, give them a few minutes to fill out the form and then ask them questions about how they feel about the product or service you're offering.
  2. Second, ask them if there's anything else you could do differently—or something that could make their interaction with this new product even better than it is now. This may help with customer retention as well!

4. Gathering feedback is essential to improving customer satisfaction

Feedback is what makes your business increase its success rates by 10x speed. It helps you gather the changes wanted by your customers, keeps you informed of their choices, and helps you improve on products/services that can be made better to serve your clientele in the best way possible!

5. Offer a freebie in exchange for their opinion 

You can use surveys to find out about their experience with your products and services. This will help you learn how to improve the quality of those experiences, as well as figure out what kind of language you should use in your next survey.

  • Ask about the quality of their experience with your product or service: How did they rate it? What were some things that they liked best? What were some things that they didn't like so much? Was there anything missing from the experience at all (like instructions, for example)?
  • Ask about the price of their purchase: How much did it cost them per month/yearly subscription fee; did it come with any additional costs such as shipping fees etc.; which payment method did they use when purchasing this item - credit card, etc.


If you have a survey form, it’s always good to remind customers that their responses are valuable to your company. You can do this in multiple ways: mentioning the fact that you value input from your customers on surveys; thanking respondents for completing the survey; or even giving them a prize, if appropriate. The most effective way is probably via email, but it's important not just to say thank you once but also every time someone completes an online form. That's all we have for now, but if there's anything else I missed, let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

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