Top eCommerce Trends to Improve Your Sales in 2024

May 24, 2024 |
15 min read

It’s 2024. eCommerce is now different from how it once used to be. It’s evolved. It’s become better. And you can theoretically sell almost anything online.

Keep in mind, however, your customers have evolved too. Modern customers crave convenience, and nothing less than the best service. With so many options to choose, customers aren't easily satisfied nor do they want to compromise on their online shopping experiences, in any way.

If you’re looking to soar high in the skies of the ecommerce world, you’ll have to give customers the BEST POSSIBLE EXPERIENCE as well as keep up with the latest technological and social media trends. Nothing less works.

This is a guide on the latest eCommerce trends that can give your business a competitive advantage over your peers. We cover unique tips that will help you take your eCommerce selling many notches higher.

Since the pandemic happened, the way consumers think about eCommerce has changed significantly. Consumers are no longer looking at eCommerce as a fancy way to shop, something distant and external to their lives. eCommerce, instead, has become as common as watching TV. People engage with it regularly. They stick with stores that give them the best experience but are quick to forget those who cannot grab their attention.

While customers are now returning to brick-and-mortar stores, eCommerce is forecast to constitute a whopping 41% of global retail sales by 2027. And big tech giants are investing huge in eCommerce. Take for instance, the recent event of Salesforce buying Demandware for a whopping $3 billion.

What this also means is more players on the battlefield—merchants both big and small, local and global trying to sell online. The question is how to set yourself apart and not become obsolete.

Shirley Tan, developer partnership manager at Yahoo Small Business, puts forward an interesting observation.

He says, earlier eCom owners thought, “if I build my online store, customers will somehow discover it…Today, that is no longer the case. When there were fewer e-commerce stores, they may have been able to rely on a stumble-upon effect, but now the internet is too crowded and noisy. Therefore, engaging the customer and getting their attention has to be more meaningful and impactful.”

It is precisely because of these two main factors:

  1. customers demanding more than ever, and,
  2. If you don’t give customers the best, someone else will, that online retailers must hustle to grab customer attention with a pom-pom, with offers, with live commerce, or by any or all of the many eCommerce trends we’ll cover in this article.

The need of the hour is to be, “to be wherever the consumer wants to be,” as Lewi’s first-ever Chief Digital Officer Jason Gowans says in an interview, when asked about expanding to the metaverse.

That said, here are the eCommerce trends all set to shape up online buying in 2024 and the forthcoming years. We have divided them into three categories for a better segmentation.

1) Customer is King; Learn from them

The customer was, and still remains the king. Your business must be ready to serve them the royal way. This is possible only if you invest in providing customers with consistently great customer experience.

It is possible only by crafting nuanced, thoughtful experiences at every step of the customer journey, right from the time they land on your online storefront to how they are treated with post-sales support.

What are brands doing to take better care of customers? Investing in omnichannel technologies, creating more wholesome buyer experiences, such as what Alibaba did with live commerce, and opting for better personalization.

Personalize, Personalize, Personalize

McKinsey writes that 71% of consumers expect personalization and 76% of them get frustrated when they do not find personalized experiences buying online. eCommerce businesses are investing heavily in data to offer customer-first personalization.

They’re trying to innovate to go above and beyond the basics of personalization: showing customers products based on their interest (such as what they’re looking for, their region and age, or what they’ve purchased in the past), designing custom landing pages that welcome each prospect with products that match their interest, and opting for targeted email marketing

That’s because in 2024, you need much more than these basics.

2 trends that stand out here:

  • Delivering truly omnichannel customer experience
  • Taking personalization to cover granular details, such as by personalized loyalty programs

When you think omnichannel in 2024, you do not just mean reaching customers on all the different social or online platforms seamlessly. In fact, opting for an omnichannel approach now means bridging the gap between offline and online shopping, providing what may be called a phygital experience.

This translates to providing uninterrupted customer experiences without making customers wait or repeat themselves from agent to agent, platform to platform, and spinning together a fabric of continuity inspired by O2O commerce (online to offline commerce).

Another latest trend in this direction of making personalization more meaningful to the buyer is opting for personalized loyalty programs. Forbes' Denis Sinelnikov writes,

"In 2024, I want to see us bring personalization further as retailers harness data analytics and AI. This could involve large retailers offering more personalized content to users and allowing users to customize loyalty programs to meet their specific shopping habits and needs."

Data backs this up: A majority of loyalty program members (78%) are unsatisfied with the current level of personalisation of their programs. Personalization, is thus, about finding out new ways to be more meaningful and relevant, whether it’s by bringing in omnichannel systems or using AI or data.

However, with data privacy and ethics in mind.

How do you render this level of personalization to buyers?

Opting for better coordination between different departments, bringing processes in place that allow seamless data sharing across teams, investing in your tech stack/software tools, and using data and consumer insights to drive decisions. You must understand how your customer is set to evolve over time, and not just who they were in the past.

Make your website shopping experiences simply better

In 2024, ecommerce stores are going for minimalistic designs that do not overwhelm users.

The basics remain the same though: There's no substitute to a clean, and easy-to-use website. With so many distractions people have, your website must strive to provide value fast. It must allow people to find what they want, or let’s say, connect with customer service quickly.

Let’s go over two trends that can make your eCommerce website stand out: Mobile compatibility and 3-d product viewing capabilities.

Mobile compatibility: In 2024, m-commerce is expected to account for 40.4% of all e-commerce sales. Keeping this in mind, you wouldn’t want your users to abandon carts as your ecommerce store couldn’t provide solid mobile functionality.

Another trend to watch out in this space is providing 360-degree, 3-dimensional product views that let customers look at products up close and real. Shopify found that merchants who add 3D content to their stores can see a whopping 94% lift in conversions. Plus, it takes customer experience to another level, develops trust in your brand, and is so much more interactive than zooming in on product photos.

See this lamp on Ikea. Apart from a 3-D view that lets you rotate it in all the different directions, they also use AR tech to make you see how it would look in your drawing room.


You cannot not listen to your customer

I visited Flipkart this morning. This little pop up at the bottom struck out. Why? They implemented a new design and were quick to ask users if they like it. This brings us to a clear, simple moral: It’s your users who ultimately validate your work.


Great customer experience and satisfaction are the results of decisions made after listening actively to your customer’s voice and collecting better feedback. AI and data have emerged as two trendsetters impacting and defining how organizations are collecting customer feedback. Gen AI, for instance, automates customer feedback and could be used to quickly respond to customer queries. Data, the oil of the 21st century, gives you all the active and passive insights to make better future decisions.

Businesses are now:

  • Collecting more real-time customer feedback: To gain granular insights on the smallest of ventures. Form maker-apps like Formester embed on your site, letting users share detailed feedback at various parts of your website. See how eBay has the feedback button right on its home page, leading to a survey form.


-** Investing more in passive feedback collection**: Modern tools let you monitor and capture behavioral user feedback by recording user sessions that help you see exactly what customers do on your website. They capture every click and scroll and make for a great way to see when and where they face challenges

  • Using social media for feedback: Social media feedback offers crude, unfiltered customer opinions that can often prove eye-openers. It can tell what you’ve been doing wrong and what you can do better. Businesses, in 2024, are using social media more than ever to engage with customers and act promptly on social feedback.

Take the case of Blinkit, an Indian online grocery platform. When a user complained on X about not getting a bunch of coriander as a freebie (a traditional practice with Indian vegetable-sellers) when shopping with their platform, Blinkit CEO was quick to respond, assuring the user they’d follow suit.

💡If you’re looking to actively collect direct customer feedback on your online store, consider creating intelligent and beautiful survey forms designed with Formester. You may share them with customers post-purchase or embed them on your site. Formester also provides pre-prepared templates to help you get started quick. Check out: Customer Satisfaction Survey Template or the NPS Form Template.

2) Tech is Transforming eCommerce

If you're an ecommerce store, you need some form of AI today. Partly for convenience and better CX. Partly for the buzz of it. Just kidding. You cannot also fail to catch up with some of the latest trends that lie on the intersection of tech and eCommerce, something we’re covering briefly below.

Generative AI is transforming eCommerce

Using some form of AI on your ecommerce is a must. Built on machine learning algorithms, AI better captures user intent to generate outputs that improves overall CX. And eCommerce stores cannot afford to live without it now. Businesses all over are hopping on the AI bandwagon and over 80% businesses think using AI gives them a competitive advantage.

Giants aside, even small businesses are adopting AI to create some difference in the way they operate. For instance, Africa, a continent with the lowest eCommerce investments is also aspiring to derive value from AI for a more futuristic business

Common ways eCommerce brands are using AI include finding ways for value-creating personalization, implementing intelligent chatbots that offer quicker and better customer service, or improving customer search and recommendation systems.

AI in eCommerce is also helping automate routine tasks, such as creating product descriptions and catalogs or writing copy.

AR & VR could spearhead the next revolution

Augmented and virtual reality technologies blur the gap between the physical and the virtual. eCommerce brands no longer just stick with pictures of products they sell. They are instead making people try it out, virtually.

Whether it’s seeing how a necklace will look around your neck, or how a piece of furniture will adorn your home, AR&VR technologies are making this possible. These are particularly useful in retail and fashion industries, but the playground is open to all. {Gucci, for example, partnered with Snapchat]( to allow customers to try-on shoes through AR.

While research points out that AR&VR are still relatively new technologies and not too popular with customers, their popularity is set to grow monumentally in the future, as we see the growth of the metaverse, and as technology giants like Apple continue to innovate in the field.

The takeaway: A relatively new technology, using VR and AR to delight shoppers is bound to set you apart.

Voice and visual searches are gaining ground

People don’t want to just type. They would want to track shipments, see products, or add goodies to cart by voice. Some also want to find items from photos; those they captured themselves or found over the internet.

Leveraging both approaches makes the shopping experience more wholesome. That’s because up to 40% of Americans use voice search each month, and 62% of millennials would want to try out visual search. However, currently not many stores offer these capabilities.

But with a growing focus on people finding more convenient ways to engage with technology, voice and visual searches become critical to online shopping. The future isn’t, thus, limited to SEO. Voice Search Engine Optimization (VSEO) is the next trendsetter.

Look how IKEA impresses here, once more by offering a small camera icon adjacent to the search bar for visual searches.


3) Social Media is the New Supermarket

You cannot ignore the elephant in the room, social media, the online park where you’ll find all your customers strolling. McKinsey predicts that social commerce is expected to grow more than double between 2021 to 2025, You cannot thus dare to miss hopping on the social media bandwagon. And selling on social media is awesome too with ample room for creativity and personalization.

Let’s look at some social commerce trends matter in this space in 2024:

Brands are selling more through video content

2024 is the year we move on from static product shoots to make room for more video content. With platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok becoming almost virtual stores, brands are busy creating engaging, fun videos to show more products in action. 15-60 seconds videos are what hit the sweet spot.

Videos capture attention better in a dizzying, crowded digital space. They tap into viewers’ emotions instantly, sparking desire and motivating impulse purchases. It’s not surprising that a recent report found that 91% of brands use video (in any form) as a marketing tool. However, the number of videos that each brand produces is only on the rise.

Similar research has revealed that 88% of shoppers have been convinced to buy a product or try a service after watching a brand’s video. However, any video won’t do. Authenticity and creativity still rule.

Brands are also increasingly experimenting with user-generated videos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and even funny skits to connect with their audiences. The goal is to entertain first and sell second.

There are increasing brand partnerships with micro-influencers

The influencer marketing landscape is not the same as it was a few years ago. The limelight is shifting from mega-influencers to small, independent creators. Micro-influencers, usually with 10,000 to 100,000 followers, have lately emerged as friends for e-commerce stores.

Plus, e-commerce businesses know that micro-influencers drive 5.6 times the sales of their macro counterparts, thanks to their niche expertise and deeper connections they forge with their audience. Moreover, micro-influencers typically have higher engagement rates compared to macro-influencers. Micro-influencers on Instagram boast an average engagement rate of 3.86%, while mega-influencers see only 1.21%.

Micro-influencers, thus, bring authenticity and trust in a never-ending, endless market for hundreds of similar products. The reason is simple. Micro-influencers are perceived to have a more genuine interest in the products they promote. Their audience trusts their opinions as those of a friend or peer.

User-generated content is all over

User-generated content (UGC), be it photos, videos, reviews, or testimonials created by customers is another trend in social commerce. This is because UGC offers social proof and validates the quality and appeal of your products in the eyes of potential buyers.

Nielsen’s research shows that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from other people more than branded content. This is why savvy e-commerce stores are actively encouraging UGC. They're launching hashtag campaigns, hosting contests, and even integrating UGC into their websites.

A great recent example of this strategy is Myntra where customers post videos and images of themselves trying on and reviewing Myntra’s products, which they then repost on its social media accounts, and even inside the app.


When brands showcase real people using and loving their products, they build trust, increase engagement, and sales ultimately take a lift.

The beauty of UGC lies in how real it is. It's a form of word-of-mouth marketing that consumers actually relate to. When potential buyers see others like themselves enjoying a product, they're more likely to see themselves doing the same and making a purchase.

Rake Up your eCommerce Selling with Formester

We just covered some of the most meaningful trends shaping the world of eCommerce in this year and beyond. The great part is that even small eCommerce merchants can implement some, if not all, of these many new opportunities that can open ways for better sales and growth.

No matter what you do, we’d stress on one point—listen to your customer, know them well, and collect more feedback. You’ll see how you, then, immediately start making better decisions for your store. And if you’re looking to get started, there’s nothing better than beautiful forms you can make using Formester. Send them to customers, embed them on websites, and use them the way you’d like. Try Formester out now!

Create your first form for free

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