5 Best Customer Feedback Tools For Surveys

November 13, 2023 |
8 min read

Customer feedback is the foundation of business growth, offering a channel to understand what your audience values. Feedback is valuable for your business. It can help reduce customer churn and lead to lasting success.

Here we will explore a list of best customer feedback tools in the market to collect your customer feedback and grow your business.

The Significance of Customer Feedback

Being able to adapt is crucial for sustainable business growth; therefore, staying attuned to customer sentiments is non-negotiable. Feedback, be it commendations or constructive criticism, is a compass guiding businesses towards improvement, innovation, and, ultimately, customer satisfaction.

Customer Feedback Survey Illustration

Role of Customer Feedback Tools

Collecting and interpreting customer feedback can be difficult without the proper set of customer feedback software. A customer feedback tool can help you collect user feedback and help with your product development. So that you can make sure to provide the best customer support and user experience for your customers.

Let's look at five great customer feedback management tools : SurveyMonkey, Jotform, Typeform, Formester, and HubSpot. Each one has its own strengths. These tools are not just about gathering feedback; they're about transforming feedback into a catalyst for business growth.

Choosing the Right Customer Feedback Tool

Choosing the right customer feedback tool for your business takes time because each tool has unique features for different needs. Here, we break down the key considerations and offer tips for a seamless integration into your framework of operations. Make the right selection of tools by considering the following factors:

  • Usability: Opt for a tool with an intuitive interface, ensuring your team and customers find it easy to navigate.
  • Customisation: Look for tools that allow you to tailor surveys and forms to reflect your brand, ensuring a cohesive customer experience.
  • Integration: Choose a tool that seamlessly integrates with your existing systems to avoid unnecessary disruptions to your workflow.
  • Analytics: Prioritise tools with powerful analytics features, enabling you to extract meaningful insights from the collected data.

Tips for Optimising the Feedback Process

  • Clear Communication: Ensure your customers understand the purpose of the feedback and how it contributes to improvements.
  • Timely Surveys: Send surveys or forms at strategic points in the customer journey to capture relevant feedback.
  • Incentives: Consider offering incentives to encourage participation and show appreciation for your customers' time and insights.
  • Regular Updates: Keep updating your feedback tools and processes to match changing business needs and customer expectations.

In the next sections, we will discuss the unique features of each tool and how they relate to these factors. This will help you select the most suitable customer satisfaction tool for your business. This will enhance the feedback process and contribute to the success of your business.

1) SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey stands out as a versatile survey software designed to transform customer insights into actionable strategies. SurveyMonkey is popular because it has an easy-to-use interface and many features for businesses of all sizes.

Features and Capabilities

  • Comprehensive Survey Design: SurveyMonkey excels in crafting in-depth surveys, allowing businesses to dig deep into customer opinions and preferences.
  • Customisation Options: Tailor surveys to align with your brand, ensuring a professional customer experience.
  • Analytical Insights: The platform provides analytics based on responses, enabling businesses to derive meaningful conclusions from the gathered feedback.
  • Diverse Question Types: Survey Monkey supports a variety of question types, from multiple-choice to open-ended, accommodating different survey needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Integrate SurveyMonkey with other tools and platforms, streamlining the feedback loop within your existing workflow.


Surveymonkey offers different pricing options to meet the needs of businesses. Surveymonkey has various pricing options for businesses. These include a Free Plan, a Basic Plan for $25/month, and Standard and Advantage Plans starting at $37.50/month. Additionally, there is a Premier Plan with custom pricing for larger enterprises.

2) Jotform

Jotform is a survey tool specialised in crafting interactive forms that go beyond the conventional survey format. With its intuitive design and versatility, Jotform empowers businesses to gather customer feedback effortlessly.

Features and Capabilities

  • Versatile Form Building: Jotform stands out with its versatility, allowing businesses to create interactive forms tailored to specific feedback needs.
  • Ease of Use: The user-friendly interface ensures businesses and respondents navigate the feedback process easily.
  • Integration Options: Jotform integrates smoothly with various platforms, enabling businesses to centralise feedback data within their existing systems.
  • Automation Tools: Leverage Jotform's automation features to streamline repetitive tasks, enhancing the efficiency of the feedback collection process.
  • Advanced Form Features: Jotform offers advanced form features, such as conditional logic and widgets, providing flexibility in designing dynamic and engaging forms.


Jotform has different pricing options available. The Free Plan is for basic form creation. The Enterprise Plan is for larger companies.

Prices start at $24 and can be adjusted by contacting Jotform. Prices start at $24 and can be customized by reaching out to Jotform.

 3) Formester

Formester takes simplicity to the forefront, offering an effective approach to collect feedback from customers. Formester is user-friendly and efficient. It is perfect for businesses seeking a straightforward and powerful solution. It is easy to set up and use.

Features and Capabilities

  • Intuitive Interface: Formester stands out for its ease of use, providing a straightforward platform for businesses to create and deploy feedback forms effortlessly.
  • Quick Deployment: The tool excels in rapid feedback collection, making it an ideal choice for businesses with time-sensitive feedback requirements.
  • Customisation Options: While prioritising simplicity, Formester offers essential customisation features, allowing businesses to maintain a branded touch in their feedback forms.
  • Data Reporting: Formester provides insightful reporting features, allowing businesses to grasp key trends and patterns in the collected responses.
  • Affordability: Positioned as a cost-effective solution, Formester caters to businesses with budget considerations without compromising on essential features.


Formester's pricing options cater to a range of business sizes, from a Free Plan to a Business Plan with costs ranging from $12 to $45.

4) Typeform

Typeform is a feedback collection tool famous for its unique approach to conversational and engaging surveys. Offering a departure from traditional survey formats, Typeform injects a human touch into feedback collection.

Features and Capabilities

  • Engaging Survey Design: Typeform's strength lies in its ability to create surveys that mimic natural conversations, enhancing user engagement and response rates.
  • Intuitive Interface: The user-friendly design ensures that businesses and respondents navigate the feedback process without any hurdles.
  • Versatility in Question Types: Typeform supports a wide range of question types, allowing you to tailor surveys to match specific feedback requirements.
  • Advanced Logic and Personalisation: Utilise advanced logic features to create dynamic forms that adapt based on user responses.
  • Integration Capabilities: Typeform has good integration with popular tools and platforms, enabling businesses to consolidate feedback data within their existing systems.


Typeform offers free and paid plans, starting with the Essentials Plan and extending to Professional and Premium Plans for growing businesses, with costs ranging from $35 to $70 per month.

5) HubSpot

HubSpot is more than just a regular feedback tool. HubSpot is not just a regular feedback tool. It integrates customer feedback into the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This makes it a key part of building and maintaining customer relationships.

Features and Capabilities

  • Unified Feedback and CRM Platform: HubSpot provides a unified platform where customer feedback tool integrates with CRM data, offering a comprehensive view of customer interactions.
  • Automated Feedback Collection: Streamline the feedback process with automated surveys and forms triggered at crucial touchpoints in the customer journey.
  • Personalization and Targeting: Leverage CRM data to personalise feedback requests, ensuring that questions are relevant and resonate with individual customer experiences.
  • Performance Analytics: HubSpot's robust analytics tools provide insights into feedback and how it aligns with broader CRM data, enabling strategic decision-making in developing a product or service.


HubSpot's pricing starts from $18 per month, with custom plans available for businesses with unique requirements.

Pros and Cons of Each Tool


  • Pros: Comprehensive survey options and response analytics.
  • Cons: Higher pricing for advanced features, steeper learning curve.


  • Pros: Versatile form building, a wide range of features.
  • Cons: Complexity for beginners; some features are only available in higher-tier plans.


  • Pros: Engaging survey design, conversational approach.
  • Cons: Limited features in the free plan; pricing is high for advanced functionalities.


  • Pros: Most affordable with the ability of quick deployment.
  • Cons: Lesser number of paid plans compared to some other tools.


  • Pros: Integration with CRM, automated feedback collection.
  • Cons: Higher pricing for comprehensive CRM features may be overkill for small businesses.


We looked at different customer feedback tools like SurveyMonkey, Jotform, Typeform, Formester, and HubSpot. Businesses have many options to customize their feedback collection strategies. Each tool brings unique strengths, catering to different needs and preferences. The key lies in exploring, experimenting, and selecting the tool that aligns with your goals and operational requirements.

The journey doesn't end with choosing a customer feedback tool; it's a continuous evolution. As technology advances and customer expectations shift, businesses must stay agile and adaptable in their approach to feedback collection.

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