What is a Form Builder?

April 16, 2024 |
7 min read

84% of marketers use form submissions to generate leads. In today's digital age, online forms have become indispensable tools for businesses seeking to collect valuable data and engage with their audience. Whether it's gathering customer feedback, processing orders, or capturing leads, the efficiency and effectiveness of online forms cannot be overstated.

At the heart of these essential tools lies the form builder – a versatile solution that allows users to create and manage online forms with ease. In this comprehensive guide about form builders, we will go through the definition, benefits, and the wide-ranging impact they have on businesses of all sizes and industries.

What is a form builder?

A form builder is a software tool or platform designed to facilitate the creation of online forms for data collection purposes. With a form builder, users can easily design, customize, and deploy various types of forms, ranging from simple contact forms to complex surveys and registration forms.

The primary role of a form builder is to streamline the process of form creation, eliminating the need for coding knowledge or technical expertise. Instead of manually coding HTML and CSS to build a form from scratch, users can leverage intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates offered by form builders to create professional-looking forms in minutes. Benefits of using a form builder:

  1. Ease of use: Perhaps the most significant advantage of using a form builder is its user-friendly interface, which enables even non-technical users to create forms effortlessly. By providing intuitive tools and features, form builders empower users to design and customize forms without any coding knowledge.

  2. Customization: Another key benefit of form builders is the ability to create highly customized forms that reflect your brand identity and specific requirements. From choosing color schemes and fonts to adding logos and custom fields, form builders offer extensive customization options to ensure that your forms align with your brand image and objectives.

  3. Efficiency: Form builders streamline the form creation process through features like drag-and-drop functionality and pre-built templates. Instead of starting from scratch, users can leverage ready-made templates or elements and customize them to suit their needs, saving time and effort in the process.

  4. Data collection and management: Form builders simplify the process of data collection and management by providing tools for capturing, storing, and analyzing form submissions. From automatically organizing responses to integrating with third-party apps and databases, form builders offer robust features for efficiently managing form data.

  5. Increased conversions: Well-designed forms created with a form builder can significantly improve conversion rates by enhancing the user experience and reducing friction in the submission process. Optimizing the form layout, fields, and CTAs can increase the likelihood of capturing leads and conversions through online forms.

Who can benefit from a form builder?

Businesses of all sizes and across industries stand to benefit from using a form builder. Whether you're a small startup looking to collect customer feedback or a large corporation streamlining your order process, form builders offer a versatile solution for meeting your data collection needs. From marketing and sales to HR and customer service, virtually every department within an organization can leverage form builders to automate workflows, gather insights, and drive results.


What type of forms can you create with a form builder?

  • Contact forms: Contact forms are among the most common types of forms created using form builders. These forms enable website visitors to get in touch with businesses, ask questions, request information, or provide feedback. By capturing leads and inquiries directly from your website, contact forms serve as valuable communication channels for fostering customer engagement and generating potential sales opportunities.

  • Order forms: For businesses selling products or services online, order forms are essential tools for facilitating purchases and collecting customer information. With a form builder, you can create custom order forms that allow customers to select products, specify quantities, and provide shipping and payment details, streamlining the checkout process and enhancing the overall shopping experience.

  • Subscription forms: Building and growing an email list is crucial for businesses looking to expand their reach and nurture relationships with their audience. Subscription forms created with a form builder enable visitors to subscribe to newsletters, updates, or promotional offers, helping businesses stay connected with their subscribers and drive engagement through targeted email marketing campaigns.

  • Feedback forms: Feedback forms play a vital role in gathering valuable insights from customers, employees, or other stakeholders. With an online form builder, you can design feedback forms tailored to your specific needs, whether it's soliciting product feedback, collecting customer satisfaction ratings, or conducting employee surveys. By systematically collecting and analyzing feedback, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to enhance their products, services, or processes.

  • Event registration forms: Whether you're hosting a webinar, conference, or workshop, event registration forms are essential for managing attendee registrations and RSVPs. Form builders make it easy to create customized registration forms that capture attendee information, such as names, email addresses, and preferences. By streamlining the registration process, event organizers can efficiently manage event logistics and ensure a seamless experience for participants.

  • Niche-specific forms: In addition to the standard form types mentioned above, form builders offer flexibility to create niche-specific forms tailored to various industries and use cases. For example, appointment booking forms for service-based businesses like salons, spas, and healthcare providers, allowing customers to schedule appointments online at their convenience. Other examples include job application forms for HR departments, donation forms for nonprofits, and patient intake forms for healthcare providers. By leveraging industry-specific forms, businesses can deliver a better experience to their target audience.


How to choose the right form builder?

Ease of use: Look for a form builder with a user-friendly interface that simplifies the form creation process, especially if you or your team lack technical expertise. A straightforward drag-and-drop editor and intuitive controls can make designing and customizing forms a breeze, allowing you to focus on creating engaging experiences for your audience.

Features: Assess the features offered by different form builders to ensure they align with your requirements. Look for essential features such as a variety of question types, conditional logic, and advanced customization options. The ability to create multi-page forms, accept file uploads, and integrate with payment gateways can also enhance the functionality of your forms.

Integrations: Consider the integration capabilities of the form builder and ensure it can easily connect with other tools and platforms you use in your business operations. Whether it's integrating with email marketing platforms to automate follow-up communications or syncing form data with your CRM system for lead management.

Security: Data security is paramount when collecting and storing sensitive information through online forms. Choose a form builder that prioritizes security measures such as AI spam protection, SSL encryption, data encryption at rest, and compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR. Additionally, look for features like CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA to prevent spam submissions and protect your forms from malicious attacks.

Pricing: Consider your budget and explore the pricing models offered by different form builders. Some form builders offer free plans with limited features, while others follow a subscription-based model with tiered pricing based on usage or additional features. Evaluate the pricing structure and determine which option provides the best value for your business needs.


In conclusion, form builders are a must have tool in your arsenal to automate data collection processes and engage with the audience effectively. As you explore all the form builder options available in the market, start your search by trying out Formester to bolster your data collection efforts.

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